Wednesday, March 16, 2011


NOTE:: i wrote this for my band. . .awhile ago. You can be sure it was awhile ago, since i was still in a band at that point. xD the drummer helped me write this song, and it was pretty good. . .we got in an argument over the title, but he won. I wanted it to be named something else.. . but i got out-voted. We playyed this song once, at a festival, and our bass player got a beer bottle thrown at her, our guitarist tripped and fell off the stage like a dumbass, and i thought that was so funny that i started laughing hysterically and couldn't sing.
In short, 
But you know, it was fine. . . because we had hella fun that night. And it was still a good song. xD

She cried and she fell 
And she crawled towards me on her knees
She only wanted the world
Where had she fallen?

Why was it so hard 
To get where she wanted?
Why did the chains always 
pull back so tight?

And she cried and she fell
And she tripped over my heart
She'd left it on the ground
When had it broken?

She couldn't remember 
What it was like Last December
She only knew she wanted
What she could not have.

And she cried and she fell
And she sank into the ground
Stitched herself with her needle-sharp words
And got back up again

Her attitude was nothing
She meant you no harm
But you got in her way 
And she had to die.

And she cried and she fell
And she screamed herself hoarse
Tasting the blood made it better
Swallowing fire made it worse.

And any day you find her
She's standing up tall
A smirk on her face
All innocence and grace
You won't ever find her again
You'll be dead not long after
With your feet above our heads and hearts
Hanging from the rafters.

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