Friday, December 30, 2011

Post 37:: Fuck the Haters That speak, Cause I Hate That You Breathe

yeah, my left shift-key button doesn't work, and i never use the right shift-key button, so there are going to be quite a few errors in this blogpost. it's not that i'm not pressing the key. i am. i just capitalized all of those i's. all of them. and that 'a'.
fuckin' . . . . nevermind.

my boyfriend is kind of a dick.
but whatever, mann. . . i mean. . . i don't know. i love him. he just has no sense of normal relationships. like, there's stuff that you just don't tell people. . . and he doesn't get it.  ohh well. i mean. . . he's just a little boy, after all. He acts so grown up and mature, but. .. .he's not.
it's ohkayy though. it's how all boys are. i just wish . .  gah i don't know what i wish.

new year's eve is coming !!! plans have changed, and victorian and i are going to some random bed&+breakfast in Romeo or some place like that. we've got a room and a laptop and movies and no mum. our plans so far consist of::
--> snacks
--> REPO: the genetic Opera
--> Sweeney Todd
-->Gypsy 83
--> The lion king 2
--> more snacks
--> wild partying
ohh and
--> strippers and popcorn.
about the popcorn

Anywayy my plugs keep falling out of my ears for no apparent reason. i've been wearing this pair for like,  . . the past year or something and they've never done that, but all of a sudden, they're like, 'cool, kayybye i'mma fall off now'' and i'm just like, 'ohh shit mann''. it's harsh.

tomorrow i'm going to Julia's house. I invited myself over. Cause i'm fucking boss.

i dyed my hair red
so deal with it, bitches.
yeahh it fucking glows.
i've been listening to Hollywood Undead too much.
i'm swearing like a motherfucking sailor.
but who cares, really. . . pirates are sexy and we all know it.
THIS MAN looks pretty good too. it's the longer hair and the clothing. so hot. i like my men older. lolkidding. i dated a 13 year old once.
i'd like to forget about Tyler, thank you very much.
i really gotta stop blogging at such odd hours


  1. Sorry about your shift key. That's really depressing. Darn, I really wanted that popcorn. ;D Seriously, we are going to have the best time ever.

  2. Your a MCR Killjoy! Way would be so proud. -Hey what was that project you were telling me about?
